Current workshop schedule

Photo gallery from a Living Language: Developing Effective Language Skills through Stories workshop in Hong Kong, Feb. 2008


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A teacher-training workshop
DateVenueWorkshopFurther detailsTime
13. - 15. Mar 2024Akademie der Kulturellen Bildung
From Page to Stage
Structuring a story for performance

A practical workshop exploring the process of taking a folk tale from a book and creating a version to perform to an audience.
(Workshop materials and Richard’s input during the workshop will be in English. Of course, if necessary, participants’ input can be bilingual.)

9th - 10th Oct. 2024Panevėžys County Public Library
A two-day storytelling workshop for librariansFurther details
22 Mar 2025

Erzählkunstfestival zu Lübeck

WorkshopDetails to be announced11:00 - 16:00

Previous workshops

Just some of the places around the world where I’ve been privileged to lead workshops

Current workshop schedule

Workshop feedback: read what participants and organisers say

Details of previous workshops in Germany, Italy, England, Hong Kong, Singapore, India and the USA

Downloadable workshop details in Chinese (2-page pdf)

Go here for tales to watch

Go here for a list of all tales included on this site

Go here to receive an e-mail notification when new tales are added

Permission to tell outlines my views on copyright

For those who are teachers: Telling stories in the classroom: basing language teaching on storytelling