Boy and the Devil

Boy and the Devil   Doing a deal with the devil is never easy – but here is how one lad did it Jens Kamp This telling is based on the story collected by Danish folklorist, Jens Kamp, in Folk and Fairy Tales from Denmark (trans. Stephen Badman). The...

Devil in the Green Coat

Devil in the Green Coat A tale from the Brothers Grimm which ends happily – even for the devil Many countries have Aarne–Thompson type 361 (Bearskin) tales featuring the despised youngest brother or a discharged soldier. The Brothers Grimm collected several....

Blacksmith and the Devil

Blacksmith and the Devil A tale which shows how a blacksmith won against the devil, and also explains those flickering flames of marsh gas known as Jack o’Lantern Want to download the video?Videos are provided free to view. If you want to download one, I can...

Devil’s Three Golden Hairs

Devil’s Three Golden Hairs A story with a moral Although I rarely tack one on to a story, the moral I found to add at the end of this tale is surely relevant for everyone setting out into the adult world! Want to download the video?Videos are provided free to...

More comic tales

More comic tales to watch As the video gallery has become very extensive, below is a collation of comic tales Abu HasanAn earthy tale from One Thousand and One Nights Birbal and Emperor Akbar’s BarberHow Birbal went to heaven – and returned Boy and the...

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