Boy and the Devil

Boy and the Devil   Doing a deal with the devil is never easy – but here is how one lad did it Jens Kamp This telling is based on the story collected by Danish folklorist, Jens Kamp, in Folk and Fairy Tales from Denmark (trans. Stephen Badman). The...

Reason to Beat your Wife

Reason to Beat your Wife A tale in which someone knows the secret of a how to have a happy marriage Want to download the video?Videos are provided free to view. If you want to download one, I can arrange that. Just send me a mail telling me which story you’d...

The Lindworm

The Lindworm A powerful fairy tale of redemption leading to a man and a woman truly being able to live together Want to download the video?Videos are provided free to view. If you want to download one, I can arrange that. Just send me a mail telling me which story...

Terrified Suitors

Terrified Suitors A Danish folk tale of how a young widow managed unwanted attentions Want to download the video?Videos are provided free to view. If you want to download one, I can arrange that. Just send me a mail telling me which story you’d like, and your...

The Merry Wives

The Merry Wives Three wives – and what they think of their husbands  Want to download the video?Videos are provided free to view. If you want to download one, I can arrange that. Just send me a mail telling me which story you’d like, and your reason for...

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