Broadcasts and interviews with Richard

Richard - interviewKPFT Radio, Houston TX

So, What’s Your Story?

A 60-minute programme of some favourite tales plus interview with Erik Heen, first broadcast 1st Sept. 2022.
Download here

Radio Darmstadt interview

In Nov. 2018 Radio Darmstadt invited Celtic harper and storyteller Peter Wucherpfennig and me to take part in a two-hour interview on the LebensArt programme, hosted by Helmuth Müller.

The interview is in German, Peter’s harp music is Irish and Scottish (and very beautiful) and my storytelling is bi-lingual, sliding into only English for the final tale.
A rare but welcome opportunity for two storytellers to discuss our art at length.
 Download here

My thanks to Helmuth Müller for kindly providing the recording, as well as for inviting us to a most interesting interview.

An interview in English

From 2007, published on the How to Tell a Great Story website.

Go here for tales to watch

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Permission to tell outlines my views on copyright

For those who are teachers: Telling stories in the classroom: basing language teaching on storytelling


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