Current workshop schedule

Photo gallery from a Living Language: Developing Effective Language Skills through Stories workshop in Hong Kong, Feb. 2008


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A teacher-training workshop
DateVenueWorkshopFurther detailsTime
13. - 15. Mar 2024Akademie der Kulturellen Bildung
From Page to Stage
Structuring a story for performance

A practical workshop exploring the process of taking a folk tale from a book and creating a version to perform to an audience.
(Workshop materials and Richard’s input during the workshop will be in English. Of course, if necessary, participants’ input can be bilingual.)

9th - 10th Oct. 2024Panevėžys County Public Library
A two-day storytelling workshop for librariansFurther details
22 Mar 2025

Erzählkunstfestival zu Lübeck
Lübecker WortWerft, Dankwartsgrube 39-41

a bi-lingual workshop:
From Page to Stage - 
Von der Niederschrift zum Erzählen

Ein ausführlicher praktischer Workshop für Märcheninteressierte

Dieser Workshop untersucht den Prozess, eine traditionelle Geschichte, wie sie auf der Seite eines Buches zu finden ist, zu nehmen und eine Version zu erstellen, um sie einem Publikum zu erzählen.
Teilnahmegebühr: 20,00 €

11:00 - 16:00

Previous workshops

Just some of the places around the world where I’ve been privileged to lead workshops

Current workshop schedule

Workshop feedback: read what participants and organisers say

Details of previous workshops in Germany, Italy, England, Hong Kong, Singapore, India and the USA

Downloadable workshop details in Chinese (2-page pdf)

Go here for tales to watch

Go here for a list of all tales included on this site

Go here to receive an e-mail notification when new tales are added

Permission to tell outlines my views on copyright

For those who are teachers: Telling stories in the classroom: basing language teaching on storytelling


If you wish to use website content, send me a mail explaining why and I may be able to help.