The Magic Pisspot: Swedish folk tales

Told by Per Gustavsson
Illustrations by Kjell Sundberg
English by Richard Martin

ISBN 978-91-639-4763-6

This was a dead easy review to write. I only really needed to write one word – ‘brilliant’! (Pete Castle, Facts & Fiction)

Read a review by Csenge Zalka



How to buy a copy

The book is published by The Museum of Legends in Ljunby, Sweden. Currently the online store of their museum shop is off line.
If you are unable to visit in person to buy a copy, I still have a couple available at €25 plus shipping.
Send me a mail.


These are the tales in the book:

Go here for tales to watch

Go here for a list of all tales included on this site

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Permission to tell outlines my views on copyright

For those who are teachers: Telling stories in the classroom: basing language teaching on storytelling


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