Home office – Connect with a story

Offer your workforce nurture, relaxation, a chance to bond

Working at home month after month: long hours yet little personal contact, hard to feel part of a team.

Zoom coffee breaks are often so stilted: it becomes difficult for people to stay connected.

But now help is at hand

Take a break to connect with a story

Invite your colleagues to come together for a real break:

  • 15 minutes completely unrelated to work – immersed in a folk tale told for adults

  • Storytelling: cognitive and emotional – refreshes the mind, rejuvenates the spirit, gives understanding of ourselves

  • Relaxed post-story conversation – a safe setting for reflection and connection

Nurture those you work with

Take a break with a story

A tailor-made package

A live performance – told just for you

You decide what you need:

  • Perhaps a story once a week
  • Perhaps a single session for a particular celebration, festival or occasion
  • Perhaps a session each workday – for a week, for Advent, etc.
  • Perhaps a story for your workforce to enjoy with their children
  • Perhaps a story to address a specific topic
  • Or perhaps just a single coffee break to try it out

Whatever your requirements, I can accommodate them.

Professional quality, studio livestream

The tales

They are tales to laugh at, to wonder at, some to make your blood run cold.
They are the folk tales which have been told in all cultures, for not just hundreds but some for thousands of years.
They reflect the full range of human experience: the comic, the bawdy, the profound, the divine.
These tales offer insight into our own humanity.

Sample tales

My repertoire is well over 300 stories, and constantly growing. My video gallery presents well over 100 tales. Here are a few examples of the type of tale I might include:

And here two tales for when children are watching:

The teller

I have worked throughout the world as a professional storyteller for over three decades. Most of my performance work is telling to adults, though I have plenty of tales for younger listeners.


Send a mail.
We can then set up an online meeting or phone call to discuss your needs further.

Go here for tales to watch

Go here for a list of all tales included on this site

Go here to receive an e-mail notification when new tales are added

Permission to tell outlines my views on copyright

For those who are teachers: Telling stories in the classroom: basing language teaching on storytelling


If you wish to use website content, send me a mail explaining why and I may be able to help.