Shakespeare: Sonnet 18

As part of the world-wide Shakespeare anniversary celebrations, I am joining other enthusiasts for an evening presenting our favourite pieces, together with music from that time.

One of my contributions has to be Sonnet 18, his gift of immortality to the person he loves.

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During my many years teaching English in Germany, it gave me great pleasure to see the genuine pleasure so many students had in Shakespeare.
Every year I would introduce them to my favourite sonnet. Always the homework would be to learn it by heart. It has often then been an additional pleasure to meet students years later who can still recite the poem.


The video clips here are all amateur quality, shot in various theatres.

Their intention is just to show the range of my storytelling and give a flavour of a live performance.

Permission is granted for use in non-commercial educational contexts.

The videos are © Richard Martin.

Professionally recorded CDs and DVDs are available here.

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Permission to tell outlines my views on copyright

For those who are teachers: Telling stories in the classroom: basing language teaching on storytelling