English through storytelling

This workshop offers the chance for secondary students to improve their English by hearing Richard tell stories and learning to tell stories themselves.

During the workshop students:

  • hear tales to laugh at, tales to wonder at — and perhaps to make their blood run cold
  • learn and practise practical storytelling skills — excellent training for presentations
  • take part in speaking and writing activities generated by the stories

The length of these workshops can vary between half a day and three days.
This, like the content, is always tailored to the requirements of the individual group and the school.

So mail me to discuss your exact needs.


Students’ comments:

  • I love your stories. Thanks for coming.
  • I want to hear more stories.
  • It’s great – now I can tell a story!
Student workshop, Hong Kong

Current workshop schedule

Workshop feedback: read what participants and organisers say

Details of previous workshops in Germany, Italy, England, Hong Kong, Singapore, India and the USA

Downloadable workshop details in Chinese (2-page pdf)

Go here for tales to watch

Go here for a list of all tales included on this site

Go here to receive an e-mail notification when new tales are added

Permission to tell outlines my views on copyright

For those who are teachers: Telling stories in the classroom: basing language teaching on storytelling