Telling the listener

Workshops for storytellers: in-person or online

A hands-on practical workshop for experienced storytellers

The focus is on:

  • Crafting a narrative which satisfies
  • Crafting a performance which captures the listener

Watch this video introduction

Each workshop is tailored to the individual group, and consequently will vary. The outline below shows a typical three-hour session.

Workshop preparation: homework

Before the workshop, participants receive the text of a folk tale.

At home they:

  • Write a skeleton of the story, using just keywords (i.e. not full sentences). Typically a skeleton might be no more than 25 words.
  • Consider how they might craft the narrative into a story they can perform, and how best to “capture the listener”.
  • Then (and only then) they watch my recording of the story in the video gallery.
  • Making notes, they analyse and critique both the way I have crafted my narrative and the way I perform it.

Workshop: phase one

Following a short ice-breaking activity, participants work in small groups, discussing insights gained from their homework and critiquing my recorded performance.

These photographs are of a July 2022 workshop for the Storytelling Association (Singapore).


The discussions continue in the plenary, allowing ample opportunity for the group’s specific interests to be covered.

Workshop: phase two

Working in a small group, participants are given the skeleton of a new folk tale.

In the light of the previous discussions, they consider how to craft this skeleton into a performance.

Finally I perform the tale to show my approach to crafting and performing it. Again this is critiqued in small groups and the plenary. 


A teacher-training workshop, Hong Kong

The final group photo of the Storytelling Association (Singapore) workshop.

A teacher-training workshop, Hong Kong

Want a workshop?

In-person workshops

First check my current plans to see if I am travelling to your part of the world:

And of course, I always welcome new invitations.

Online workshops

I have conducted many highly successful online workshops.

Send a mail to discuss your needs and explore possibilities.

Other workshops for adults

Workshop feedback: read what participants and organisers say

Details of previous workshops in Germany, Italy, England, Hong Kong, Singapore, India and the USA

Downloadable workshop details in Chinese (2-page pdf)

Go here for tales to watch

Go here for a list of all tales included on this site

Go here to receive an e-mail notification when new tales are added

Permission to tell outlines my views on copyright

For those who are teachers: Telling stories in the classroom: basing language teaching on storytelling


If you wish to use website content, send me a mail explaining why and I may be able to help.