Strongest of Them All

Jack is cold – no wood for his fire.

Takes axe and goes to look for a tree.

Ice on ground.

Sees tree – smiles “I’m stronger than you”.

Swings axe – but slips on ice – bangs head.

“Ice, you’re strong – but sun is stronger – when he comes, you go away.”

“Sun, you’re strong – but cloud stronger.”

“Cloud – wind stronger.”

“Wind – mountain stronger.”

“Mountain – tree is stronger (tree can grow on mountain but mountain can’t grow on tree!)”

“Tree – I’m stronger – got my axe!”

Swings axe – but slips on ice – bangs head.

Watch this tale being told in a teacher-training workshop at Karlsruhe University of Education

I heard this tale as Jack Turnip from UK teller, Hugh Lupton.
It is now one of my favourites as a participation story with young learners and is the title story on the teaching video The Strongest of Them All.

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Permission to tell outlines my views on copyright

For those who are teachers: Telling stories in the classroom: basing language teaching on storytelling